Introduction to Karate
Location: Foothill Community Center
Ages: 7 - 14 years
Fee: $48
Tue/Thur | 5:45 - 6:15pm
This is the pre-requisite class for the Year-Round Karate program, instruction provides the fundamental physical and social skills to succeed later on in training. No uniform is required. This class is recommended for kids with no prior martial arts training.
For both Intro and Kinder Karate classes the testing fee is not included in the registration fee.
Register online
Course Number | Date |
2723.01 | 1/14 - 2/27 |
2723.03 | 3/11 - 4/29 |
2723.05 | 5/13 - 6/26 |
2723.07 | 7/15 - 8/28 |
2723.09 | 9/16 - 10/30 |