CLOSED: Request for Proposals: Basketball Court Upgrades at Walerga Community Park
CLOSED: Request for Proposals: Basketball Court Upgrades at Walerga Community Park
Basketball Court Upgrades at Walerga Community Park RFP Bid Packet
Basketball Court Upgrades at Walerga Community Park RFP Bid Results
The Sunrise Recreation and Park District (SRPD) is seeking an experienced professional contractor to provide services for the basketball court updgrades at Walerga Park.
Parties interested in this project are asked to submit one (1) copy of the proposal and separate cost proposal no later than 11:00am on March 7, 2025, to:
Wayne Edmundson
Parks & Facilities Superintendent (Project Manager)
Sunrise Recreation and Park District
7801 Auburn Blvd.
Citrus Heights, Ca 95610
SRPD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any technicalities, informalities, and irregularities, to accept or reject all or any part of the proposal, and to be the sole judge of suitability on the proposal offer.
Installation of two goalphers (see exhibit A for Goalpher specifications) that will be placed on the existing basketball court at Walerga Park. Sunrise Recreation and Park District will purchase the items to be installed from Goalpher and have on site and ready for installation by contractor. This project will also include the installation of four-foot-high cyclone fencing on all four sides of the basketball court. This project will convert the basketball courts into a multisport facility that will support soccer, hockey, futsal, and basketball. See attached exhibit A for product specifications.
The scope of work, in general, includes the following tasks but not limited to:The scope of work, in general, includes the following tasks but not limited to:
• Mark out excavation envelope
• Dig out trench and core post detail as per drawings (see exhibit A)
• Set Goalpher to finished grade and test mechanisms
• Goalpher system is to be plum and level
• Application of drainage stone on post core holes, as per drawings (see exhibit A)
• Install permeable geotextile fabric on top of drainage stone, as per drawings (see exhibit A)
• Fill post cores with concrete to finished grade, as per drawings (see exhibit A)
• Clean area with water, removing all excess materials and disposing
• Installation of 4’ high cyclone fencing on all four sides of the basketball court. Fence will need to be black powder coated with an access gate.
• Contractor to verify site access for materials and machinery, goal locations, staging, site security and public and staff safety
• Contractor to protect all surfaces from machinery and be responsible for any damages that occur
• Contractor to secure required permit(s) where applicable
• Contractor to contact “Call before you dig” governing entities prior to excavation and set up temporary bracing of excavated walls if the cavity is completely excavated down to 7'-0”
• Contractor to have water extraction measures in place, in the event of excavating below the current water table on the day of installation
• All material is to be covered while work is in progress and hauled offsite at the days end
• No excavated bulk material is to remain onsite, unless authorized in writing
See Appendix A for goalpher installation
The vendor, in undertaking the work under this contract, is to have visited the premises and to have taken into consideration all conditions which might affect the work. No consideration will be given to any claims based on lack of knowledge of existing conditions. The mandatory Pre-Bid Walk date is scheduled for January 31, 2025, at
Any deviations from the scope of work indicated herein must be submitted in writing to the project manager prior to the bid due date.
Change orders will not be considered once the proposed bid has been accepted.
VALID CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE - Required at time of bid submission and valid through the length of the project.
PREVAILING WAGE - Pursuant to the California Labor Code Section 1720 and following this is a prevailing wage project.
DIR REGISTRATION - Contractors and subcontractors must register with the DIR and meet DIR requirements before bidding on public works contracts in California.
SUBMITTALS - The successful bidder shall be required to execute a Material and Labor Payment Bond and Performance Bond issued by a corporate surety, acceptable to the Sunrise Recreation and Park District, for the BASKETBALL COURT UPGRADES AT WALERGA PARK. Each bond shall not be less than one hundred percent (100%) of that portion of the contract price.
Pursuant to California Contract Code Section 22300, the contractor may, at its own expense, substitute securities for any money being withheld by the County to ensure performance under this contract.
Please direct pre-bid questions in writing to:
Wayne Edmundson
Parks & Facilities Superintendent (Project Manager) by e-mail at:
Deadline for questions is 11:00am on Friday, February 14, 2025.
Addendums and answers to all questions will be posted on the District Website by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 21, 2025. It is the Contractor's responsibility to check the District Website ( for updates.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, and to determine which bid, in the judgment of the Board, is the lowest responsive bid of a responsible bidder.
Kevin Huntzinger
District Administrator
Sunrise Recreation and Park District